(Frequently Asked Questions)

Updated on April 3, 2003

About FAQ
    In this section you will see some of the questions that are asked a lot about computers.   You will see questions about systems, installing hardware and the Internet.    Some of these questions are for people who have E-Mailed me.  In this section you might be able to fix a problem on your computer.   


What is the difference between a Flat screen monitor and a regular monitor?
   Flat screen monitors take less space and saves more on energy.  Flat screen also have more pixels.  The downsides to them are they are expensive, and they are not good for people who play games. Regular monitors are the opposite of that.

What is a AMD processor?
    A AMD processor is just like a Intel Processor except it is  under a different company  A AMD processors is good for
people who play games on the computer.

What type of printer should I get?
    See Printers . to help Get the printer that fits your needs.

What is FTP?
    FTP is a program that uploads webpages, files and Folders to a online Server to be put on the web.

Do I need a program to print pictures on my computer?
    You do not have to have a program to print pictures on a computer, in fact, you might not need the computer you can print pictures right off of your printer for certain printers

How do I know my computer can burn CD's?
    The best way to find out is look in the manufacture's manual.  It will most likely say CD-RW Drive if your computer can burn CD's.  Another way to tell is if your computer has two drives this is a good sign that your computer can burn CD's

I burned music on to a CD but I can't erase it    
You probably burned it on a CD-R or DVD-R which means you can only burn it once.  If you had a CD-RW then your could burn it and delete it if you chose.   For more info on CD-Rs and CD-RWs Click Here

What Does LCD display mean?                
    It means Liquid Color Display.  If you have a LCD monitor you most likely will have a flat screen monitor.

How do I get specific results on a search engine?
    You can try a different search this will give you different results.  You can chose the advance search option or look in the directories.

It will not send my attachment!
   The reason for this is because your attachment is to big for the E-mail or you have to many attachments on one E-mail.  
all you have to do is split the attachment up to the point you can send it or send multiple E-mails.

I can't burn music I found online.
  The reason for this is because certain sites put a copyright protector on it.  That means you can listen to it but you can't burn it.

What is Windows Update on Window's Xp?
    Window's update is a feature for Window's Xp that has downloads to make your system run better and fix flaws on your computer.  To download these updates check the boxes of the updates that you want to download a click on Download.  
Note: You must be connected to the internet

More questions will be added as questions are asked.  To ask a question E-mail me at tisnetsurfin@hotmail.com

I will update this page frequently so check back for more FAQ

Also see the Troubleshooting Section

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