The Properties Menu
What is the Properties Menu
The properties menu is where you can control
personal settings on your computer. (desktop background, screen
savers, appearances) Most of the time when you buy a new computer
these settings are already preprogrammed but if you don't like these
settings you can change them in the properties menu. This section
of the website will tell you how to do that. There are also a
settings tab where you can change the resolution ( Size of your
screen in pixels) and change your icons. Windows Xp has a
theme tab where you can chose a general theme for your computer.
Changing a Desktop Background
Have you ever made picture
you would like to have behind your desktop? It is easy! Follow
the step by step instructions and you will have your favorite picture
on your desktop in no time.
1. Right click on your mouse and go to properties and click again.
2. Go to the tab Desktop
3. Scroll through the list of pictures (Skip step
4 if it is)
4. If not
click on browse And go to where you saved a picture select
it and click O.K.
5. Click Apply on the bottom of the menu,
Then click O.K.
6. You're Done!!!!
Congratulations you have put your favorite picture
on your desktop. Your can also put pictures on the web on your
desktop background (Go to The Internet
) Your
picture will stay on there unless you change it. NOTE: Some
networks will erase the settings you changed on C drive therefore your
computer will not keep your picture on the desktop background.
Changing the Screen Saver
When you leave your computer on and don't use it a
screen saver will come on your screen. Your computer has a few
screen savers already built in it. You can also download screen savers
on the web. Follow these steps to change your screen saver.
1. Right click and go to properties and click again.
2. Click the the Screen saver tab
3. Scroll through the available screen savers and select the
one you like. ( You can preview a screen saver by clicking the
preview button)
4. Set how long to wait before your screen saver comes on
5. click Apply Then click O.K.
6. You're Done!!!!!
You now know how to change a screen saver.. You
can make sure it works by waiting the time you set not touching the computer.
Changing the Settings
Sometimes your computer might have
too small or too big icons on your screen. There is a way to
fix this problem!!! All you have to do is change the resolution
of the computer. This will make everything fit your screen perfectly.
Follow these steps to fix the resolution.
1. Right click and go to properties, click again.
2. Click on the tab that has Settings .
3. Move the arrow in the box that has Screen resolution.
4. Click apply (it will give you a warning that will say
Would you like to keep this resolution? click yes if it is
a good screen size, click no if it is not and move the arrow to a different
5. Click O.K. when your done and mow your screen will fit.
6. You're Done!!!!
Changing the Appearance
of a Window
Most computers when a window pops up
will have a blue title bar and a gray scroll bar but what if you want
a title top bar? There is a way to make a window's title bar and
scroll bar a different color of your computer. Follow these steps
to change the color of the title and scroll bars.
1. Right click and go to properties and click again.
2. Go to the tab titled Appearance.
3. There should be a box that will say color1 or/and
color2 (Windows Xp will not have this unless it is in classic mode.)
click on it and chose the color of your choice.
4. Click Apply, then click O.K.
5. You're done!!!!
Windows Xp computers will have different title and
scroll bars already preprogrammed. Now your favorite color
is on the title and scroll bar.!!!!
The Theme tab on Windows Xp
On a Window Xp computer you will also have
a theme tab. This is a general theme that can affect your whole
computer. (icons, screen saver, desktop background) On your computer
you might have some that are already preprogrammed. You will also
have the choice to have a classic theme (from Windows 95 and 98) You
can even download themes online for the holidays and other events. Here
are three easy steps to follow to change your theme.
1. Right click and go
to properties and click again .
2. Click on the arrow to give you your available choices and
choose the one you like.
3. Click Apply, Then click O.K.
4. You're Done
Now you have your Favorite theme on your computer!!!!!
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