What is E-Mail?
E-mail is electronic letters and greetings
being sent over the internet. This is great if you want to send a
letter. regular U.S mail can take up to five days to get there. With
E-mail you can send a letter to anyone in the world and get there in the
blink of a eye. There are many E-mail providers in the world today.
Some are free some are not. When you have a E-mail account you can
keep in touch with friends and family more often.
Getting a E-mail account
In order to start getting E-Mail you need to find
a service provider and sign up for a e-mail account. Below are some
free E-mail service providers that have links to there E-mail sign
up pages
Once you chose one of these sites then you have to fill out
all of required information, you will be able to get and send
Parts of your E-Mail
There are some parts of your e-mail that
you need to know. Your inbox is where all of your new mail comes
in. If a E-Mail is new it will be highlighted. You can also make
folders to move mail in your inbox. To delete a E-mail click on the
box next to it and click Delete. There is also a address book
where you can save E-mail addresses of your friends and family. There
is a compose section where you can send E-mails. There is a junk mail folder
where you can read your junk mail if you wish.
Sending a E-Mail
When you send a E-mail
you need to make sure every thing is filled out. Follow these steps
to send a E-mail.
1. Log-on to your E-Mail service provider.
2. Click on the Tab or button that says Compose or
Write E-mail
. 3. Fill out the person your sending to's address in the To:
box. (Ex: someone@hotmail.com)
4. Fill out the subject of the E-mail in the Subject box.
5. Write your E-mail.
6. Click on the Send button.
7. You're done.
You can also forward e-mails to people or reply to a
E-mail you receive in your Mailbox.
Sending a Attachment on your E-Mail
You don't have to just send
letters on your E-mail. You can attach documents and pictures to
a E-Mail too. This is great if you want to get a picture or a document
to a person fast. Follow these steps to add a attachment.
1. Log-on to your E-Mail account.
2. Go to Compose
3. Fill out the person who your sending to's address in the
box. (Ex: someone@hotmail.com)
4. Fill out the subject of the E-mail in the
Subject box.
5. Click the
Add Attachment button or tab.
6. Chose the the file you want to attach.
7. Click
8. Write your E-Mail.
9. You're Done!!!!!
Opening a Attachment
Sometimes you will get a attachment
on your E-mail. Your inbox will should show something like a paperclip
if you do. Attachment usually take up a lot of E-mail memory. Follow
these steps to save a attachment. Warning: Check and make sure
that it is a e-mail from somebody you know. Some E-mail companies will
check for viruses for you.
1. Double-click on the attached file or click on Open Attachments.
2. Chose where you want to save the file on your computer.
3. Click on Save
4. You're Done!!!
You Might want to check and make sure the file works before you delete the
Spam and Preventing it
Spam is the internet term for "junk mail". Many
times when you subscribe to websites spam operators get your E-Mail address
and send you junk mail. If you don't want to get overwhelmed by junk
mail there are simple ways to stop it.
- Block the senders address
- Turn on junk mail filters to prevent junk mail from getting
in your Inbox.
- If it is a subscription then see if it has a unsubscribe link
on it.
- Don't subscribe to a website at all if you don't trust the site.
You can't write to a junk mail sender because they are machine sent
and does not accept E-mail. sometimes it will give you even more junk mail..
Things to
Remember about Your E-mail
- Your E-mail account only has so much memory. ( You can pay
to get more if you chose)
- you can't send one E-Mail to multiple addresses.
- You can't attach folders to your E-Mail only files.
- Make folders to organize your E-Mail. (Friends and Family,
Work, etc.)
- Make sure that if you add links you enter the right and full address.
(Ex: http://www.msn.com)
- Don't have to many addresses in your address book.
- Check your E-Mail often
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the webmaster